#30in30 – Your Brain tends to look on the dark side of life

(Reading time: 3 min read)

The “negativity bias” impacts our life in every dimension. eople are more likely to evaluate a doctor online when they want to complain about something rather than when they are completely pleased with their treatment. You should consider applying this thought to your legal profession as well. It further impacts the communication with your clients and co-workers. The CEO of Good Think Inc., even found evidence that a more positive attitude towards life makes us more productive!

#30in30 – When Quantity beats Quality

(Reading time: 2 min read)

The 30 in 30 Briefing Series focuses on a new cognitive bias, fallacy or heuristic in every single publication. By this Briefing we want to provide you with a rough overview on the cognitive theories most likely to occur in the legal profession. Today’s content: The Illusory Truth Effect.

Repetition has always been used as a means to drive a point home so to say. Students have of course always known this but so have politicians, statesmen, propaganda promoters, the media, advertisers and authors. The illusory truth effect has numerous effects in the legal field as well.

#30in30 – Manipulated by your own Imagination

(Reading time: 3 min read)

The 30 in 30 Briefing Series focuses on a new cognitive bias, fallacy or heuristic in every single publication. By this Briefing we want to provide you with a rough overview on the cognitive theories most likely to occur in your legal or business profession. Today’s content: The Availability Heuristic.

“Nudged” by Government? Maybe!

(Reading time: 4 min read)

How governmental nudge units influence citizens’ decision-making through the design of policy choice architecture

On top of what is done in the commercial domain, there has been an increasing focus on building these nudges into the public sector and into public policy making. Based on the idea that people often take decisions which are contrary to what is in their best interest, a government can hence give its citizens a nudge in the right direction by presenting the available choices in a different manner.